Joint Venturing for Artists | by Kate Spencer

Are you interested in a collaboration?

Would you enjoy exploring how working with others could open an infinite range of possibilities?

This is an invitation to Imagine what could be possible through a structure for supporting each other in short-term projects.

Keeping it in mind that, as artists, you can do business in the way you decide works best for you… I am exploring ways in which Joint Ventures can bring us  all  more money in  the Arts. 

It would be great to have feed back from more visual artists, writers and performers before the idea  begins  to take a fixed shape… Have you heard of Joint Ventures, or affiliate marketing? If you have, we will start by throwing what we know out the window.

I am an artists who has always encouraged others to collaborate, Some people do to varying degrees, but to many it has been illogical, and potentially professionally dangerous. I am suggesting that we change that paradigm by creating a format, and one of the key components would be that you are JV ready when the opportunities come.

If you think you would be interested in learning more about successful joint ventures, I would appreciate your feedback and expression of interest. 

Please reply to this email stating:

Your Name
Your Art Practice
What form of collaboration would interest you  -  such as
___  to promote other artists as appropriate, which I naturally do
___  to increase enrollments in my own courses
___  to sell more of my own art or products
___  to learn more options for selling and making income from my art
___  to exercise an opportunity to create something with others as a community project
___  all of the above
___  something different

Feel free to contact me directly with any questions, 
Kate Spencer
(021) 370 096